Advance Premiere of the F4.9 at PRESTIGE Exclusive Days in Beaulieu-sur-Mer, France
Thursday 7 September
From August 24th through the 26th, 2023, PRESTIGE Exclusive Days were held in the idyllic setting of Beaulieu-sur-Mer, France.
3 Days of Meetings, 200 Guests, 60 Sea Trials
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The F4.9, First Model of a New Generation
This private event was the occasion for an advance premiere of the F4 before her official launch at the Cannes Yachting Festival (from September 12th through the 17th).
The F4.9 marks the renewal of the F-LINE and heralds the design of future models, offering even more comfort and an exceptional fit and finish.
Category : The brand and its yachts